Sandra Jacome

Sandra Jacome

Healthy Eating Programme Coordinator

What do you do outside of FEAST professionally?

In my free time, as a nutritionist, I deliver consultations with clients based on their state of health, producing clear and concise nutritional advice based on their specific requirements. My areas of expertise are metabolic health, weight management, pre-diabetes, women’s health, and gut health.  I also help and support PhD researchers with nutritional advice and guidance for the participants of their trials regarding daily food logs, organization and planning of meals, and improving lifestyle. 

How/why did you get involved in FEAST:

I am very passionate about helping people improve their overall health and well-being. My role as a Dementia Companion Volunteer and Ward Helper Volunteer at the Royal Free Charity during my degree studies enabled me to develop my passion for working with people with significant care needs while enhancing my willingness to help and support the community through nutrition and healthy food. In addition, my previous professional projects involved improving nutritional status and developing healthy habits within the community by delivering 1:1 remote care and providing specialist advice to make positive, practical changes to people’s diets and lifestyles. So, applying for FEAST for the Healthy Eating on a Budget Programme Coordinator role was the perfect step towards empowering people and supporting those in the community experiencing food insecurity. 

Anything FEAST is doing that you are particularly passionate about:

I am passionate about the FEAST team working together for the community. Through education and cooking sessions, our FEAST Team and the Healthy Eating on a Budget Programme empower vulnerable people to improve their nutrition, dietary choices, and life skills while helping to create a sense of community. The HEB Programme also fills the gap between providing food and the knowledge of healthy and balanced eating.  As HEB Programme Coordinator, delivering the sessions, talking with participants, and seeing their achievements along the course highlight the importance of doing my job with commitment, dedication, kindness, and love to significantly and positively impact people’s lives! Working within a team with the same vision about helping others gives so much meaning and enhances our job for the community

Hobbies and interests outside of work:

Traveling, cooking, fitness, collaborating with church activities, walking in nature, listening to podcasts, and reading books/articles related to nutrition and wellness. 
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