Aistis Palenskis


How/why did you get involved in FEAST:

I first found out about FEAST during the first London lockdown. I was inspired by the concept, the team, the difference being made in face of enormous challenges by volunteers, employees, partners - all of whom seemed to share ideas that are very human. The promise of endless donations of fresh veggies going spare that I can cook with... That's what made me join up. Cooking with surplus produce for people staying in emergency/temporary accommodation was a very welcome change following long years of working in wasteful and mainly faceless industry of high street eateries.

Anything FEAST is doing that you are particularly passionate about:

I love the daily life. Each meal carries with it so much from people who care to people who need it. A FEAST kitchen is a fantastic place for watching the actual results of government policies, industry movement and education allowing people to fall through the cracks. The results are seen on the faces of rough sleepers, their tired carers (and their panic-stricken chef). Learning about each of these unique stories and points of perspective is what fascinates me the most. I also really love coming up with menus out of an assorted selection of whatever produce happens to appear in front of me every week. And getting to know people's tastes so that the wasted food is never wasted in the end.

Hobbies and interests outside of work:

I seem to be cooking every day and night, even when I'm on holiday, and I'm yet to be tired of it. I would barbecue daily if someone let me. I've cycled everywhere my whole life and I don't plan to ever stop. I volunteer at a children's Saturday club where I can teach kids baking. I read a lot, obsessively.
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