Andrea Zick

Andrea Zick

Food Industry Advisor

What do you do outside of FEAST professionally?

PA to the GM and CSR Lead at the OXO Tower Restaurant, Bar and Brasserie and a PhD at the UK Food Systems Centre for Doctoral Training

How/why did you get involved in FEAST?

I got involved volunteering with Feast with Us when the OXO Tower Restaurant, Bar and Brasserie collaborated during the first Covid lockdown to distribute meals for vulnerable people in Southwark and wanted to continue the support thereafter.

Anything FEAST is doing that you are particularly passionate about?

To me all the leading principles of FEAST with Us matter but if I would be pushed to choose it would be community building, because I believe every interaction, we have with others has the potential to impact their life. Therefore, ensuring we bring people together in a safe place for them to connect and realise they have more in common than they think is very powerful

Hobbies and interests outside of work?

I love cooking, nature, being active, yoga, arts, culture but most importantly connecting with people.

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