Caroline Monkhouse-Flower

Caroline Monkhouse Flower


How/why did you get involved in FEAST?

I’ve worked in food and nutrition in various roles for most of my career, starting as a food buyer and most recently as COO of a food & nutrition technology company. My passion for food and health became more personal when I developed coeliac disease 12 years ago, igniting a passion for nutrition. Through volunteering I got to see first-hand the amazing impact that charities can have on their local communities and residents, and feel really privileged to be able to aim to combine my passions with FEAST

Anything FEAST is doing that you are particularly passionate about?

I believe that everyone should have access to healthy, nutritious and affordable food, to support their long-term health and outcomes, and excited to have the opportunity to make that happen with FEAST

Hobbies and interests outside of work?

I love to cook, run, hike and practice Pilates, and I sing in a choir  
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