Jane Wilson


What do you do outside of FEAST professionally?

NHS programme lead in North London for a programme supporting people experiencing homelessness through their hospital journey and move on from homelessness.

How/why did you get involved in FEAST?

I was introduced to FEAST by a GP clinical lead for homelessness work across London, who was approached when FEAST with Us was seeking to extend their board membership, and the skills and abilities therein. I got involved as I am passionate about making a difference both a local community level for those facing food poverty but also influencing the wider food poverty and sustainability agenda

Anything FEAST is doing that you are particularly passionate about?

The core FEAST function of supporting people experiencing homelessness and those facing food insecurity to be both nourished and empowered in their knowledge of nutrition is fantastic.

Hobbies and interests outside of work?

My passion is travelling. A perfect day would be spending time with friends and/or family – maybe a long walk and chat, putting the worlds to right, followed by a nice meal. I love Callanetics.

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